Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

Muhammad Altaf
2 min readApr 16, 2021

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management strategy created by Francesco Cirillo in the last part of the 1980s. The method utilizes a timer to separate work into spans, generally 25 minutes long, isolated by brief breaks.

Here word “Frog” is used for an assignment, which is upsetting you, yet you are procrastinating it for such a long time and have no inclination to do that. Eating a frog implies, carrying out a responsibility without procrastinating it. Eat the frog before frog eat you.

Steps of Pomodoro technique

1 Chose a task you would like to done

2 Set a Pomodoro for 25 Minutes

3 Work on the task until Pomodoro Rings

4 Take a short break

5 After four Pomodoro, take a long break and continue until work done

Implementation of Pomodoro technique

I use Pomodoro technique to complete my assignment of superhero resume. I started my work by setting Pomodoro timer for 25 minutes. In the first Pomodoro I get a call from my good friend and that call was important to me and spent 15 minutes on call and Pomodoro get over. After that I start another Pomodoro and start working on resume again got an office call but as I complete this call i return back to my work and complete it in 5 Pomodoro.

It was a bit difficult in the first interval and I felt that 25 minutes passed in 15 Minutes due to call. but in the second interval, there was no difficulty.

It was a really good experience to find a way to complete my task without feeling exhausted and I accomplished more than before.

I will definitely try to use these techniques for completing my tasks from now on. Because it actually helped me to realize that things are not as tough as we think they are and we do not start to do work due to our laziness and got distracted by things easily when we are doing a some work.

It’s a wonderful way to reduce and remove procrastination in our lives.

